Tag Archive for: game

Nami Halloween 2023 is here!!

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Happy Halloween

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Devlog 08

Hey my friends!

Long time since the last Devlog. I’m not doing the as thoroughly and regularly as I should, though work on my projects DO progress!!

My game is shaping up nicely and to celebrate this, here’s the very very very (X1000)… very early build of it!

This demo is very simple for now. 3 rooms to explore, trigger some dialogues lines here and there and some drawers you can open and close. Not much YET, but I’m super happy this works so well so far ! xD

The AgentX sprite is super “meh” though, and the plugin I used to animate it doesn’t work well with the depth tool of Adventure Creator, so it’ll be redone and replaced entirely at a later stage. Consider it a placeholder (a very time consuming to produce placeholder >__<‘).

And to finish, the latest background I’m working on for this game, the hangar/landing bay :

It’s merely done at 50% yet. Loads of elements to add in this one. I’m building the whole environments first then I’ll add the items you can interact with or collect on a second pass. I do have a backbone of enigmas and puzzles to solve to clear the game, though it’s very linear so far, and I fear a bit too simple. With the whole set of backgrounds done, it’ll be much easier to imagine and invent new puzzles. 😉

In them meantime, I’ll go back to my workload, filled with the bi-monthly comic for studiopirrate.com, some new Legend of Queen Opala artworks and many more!

Stay tuned :3

Devlog 06

Hey my friends!

Here’s a quick video showing the 4 directional movements finally done for my AgentX sprite !! WOOT!! \OyO/

There’s some glitches happening from time to time, but they show up randomly when I launch the test run, and I think it’s due to the whole sprite not being turned into a full-fleshed asset of the game yet.

Next is more rooms, and of course some objects to interact with.

Stay tuned !

Nami’s Halloween

To view this content, you must be a member of Studio's Patreon at $10 or more

Red Leather Art